LDEA Cape Mount County Detachment Reports Boost In Anti-Drug Justice

LDEA Cape Mount County Detachment Reports Boost In Anti-Drug Justice


By Morris S. Karneh, LINA Grand Cape Mount County Correspondent

The Grand Cape Mount County detachment of the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA) has reported a significant success in its recent drug-related arrests.

According to the County Commander, Sandouno Faya, all drug traffickers arrested and charged during the August term of court at the 5th Judicial Circuit Court in Robertsport City have pleaded guilty.

Speaking in an interview with the Liberia News Agency (LINA) on September 14, 2024, at his Bo Waterside office, Agent Faya stated that all the individuals are scheduled to be sentenced on Tuesday, September 17, 2024.

Agent Faya identified the convicted drug traffickers as Tina Morris, Abass Sarnor, Alima Sesay, Gbessay Massaley, and two others.

Agent Faya revealed that during the July operational period, they arrested Abass Sarnor, a Sierra Leonean national with contraband and was immediately sent to court.

He further said that around the same period, Alima Sesay, a Guinean commercial driver was arrested after his vehicle was arrested with a banned substance, adding that later in the same July, several business women were arrested after drugs were discovered in the grains they were carrying.

The Grand Cape Mount County LDEA Commander said all those suspects were taken to the 5th Judicial Circuit Court in Robertsport City where they all pleaded guilty for the commission of the crimes.

He said, the development is a huge boost in the fight against drugs in the county.

At the same time, the LDEA official lauded the citizens of the county including community dwellers for aiding them in the process of fighting crime.

According to him, the LDEA cannot fight the crime alone but needs the fullest cooperation from the citizenry.

Despite these achievements, Agent Faya disclosed that the LDEA faces challenges in terms of manpower, mobility, and necessary equipment to effectively combat drug abuse in the county.

He therefore called on the Government of Liberia to see the need to equip the LDEA so that it can help to enhance their work.