Monrovia June 15 (LINA) – Amidst speculation in the public concerning a ploy by some members of the House of Representatives to unseat House Speaker J. Fonati Koffa, the Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, Zinnah A. Norman has distanced himself from such rumors.

Monrovia June 15 (LINA) – Amidst speculation in the public concerning a ploy by some members of the House of Representatives to unseat House Speaker J. Fonati Koffa, the Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, Zinnah A. Norman. ....

Society-Legislature-Rep. Norman

“No Plans To Unseat House Speaker,” Says Rep. Norman


By Reagan S. Lebbie 


MONROVIA June 15 (LINA) – Amidst speculation in the public concerning a ploy by some members of the House of Representatives to unseat House Speaker J. Fonati Koffa, the Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, Zinnah A. Norman has distanced himself from such rumors.

 "We have no plan to remove the speaker because we believe in his leadership ability," Hon. Norman, who is Gbarpolu County District #1 Representative said recently in an interview with journalists at his Capitol Building office.


Recently it has been speculated on social media and other media platforms that 75 percent of the Lawmakers up Capitol Hill have agreed to remove Hon. Koffa, the current Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker Koffa was elected by his colleagues of the 55th legislature with a total vote of 36 while his rival, Representative Richard Nagbe Koon received 31 votes.


However, Representative Norman said, the 55th legislature is a very disciplined one, adding, “when we say we are for you, we stand by our words."


The lawmaker further stressed that, he and his colleagues did not come to the legislature for play and whosoever that is “daydreaming about removing the current Speaker is a joker,” adding, “even the President is not thinking about what those jokers are thinking.”


"We did not put him there because of money, if it was because of money, we would have taken money because we saw a lot of money on the table during the elections, I received calls, and some of us stood tall for the Speaker to be elected”, he disclosed.


According to him, his dream as Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture is to bring change and ensure that the people benefit from the soil not only in Gbarpolu County, but the country at large 


Meanwhile, the Lawmaker further disclosed that sooner or later he will be dedicating a modern school in his district that will impact the lives of many.