Rep. Johnson Pleads For Inclusive Policy To Aid Returnees Integration

Rep. Johnson Pleads For Inclusive Policy To Aid Returnees Integration

Rep. Johnson Pleads For Inclusive Policy To Aid Returnees Integration


By Rancy S. Teewia


MONROVIA, June 24 (LINA) – The Chair of the House of Representatives Committee on Refugees Repatriation and Resettlement, Marie G. Johnson has urged the government to roll out innovative and inclusive policies that will enable Liberian returnees from Ghana a smooth integration.


Representative Johnson noted that such policy will also allow many Liberian returnees from Ghana to work and live at peace with neighbors in the communities where they are integrated thereby encouraging self-reliance, economic growth and the reduction of dependence on humanitarian aids.


The Grand Gedeh County District #2 Representative made the statement when she delivered the keynote address at the observance of World Refugees Day on Thursday at the Monrovia City Hall, in Monrovia.


She furthered that members of the Committee on Refugees Repatriation and Resettlement, at the 55th Legislature in collaboration with the Executive branch, have a key role in fostering a welcoming society by setting up a framework with Communities in providing accommodation and fundings.


Representative Johnson added that such an initiative will support the capacity building activities in the host communities as integration continues to occur at the local level, noting, “communities must be prepared to welcome and support the resettlement of refugees."


She also pleaded with the government to immediately provide resources to the LRRRC to address the difficulties being faced by the returnees, stressing that if the Government fails to do so in time it will undermine whatever has been put into place to avert any unexpected issues that may occur.


Meanwhile, United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), Country Representative to Liberia, Antony Akumu Abogi, has reaffirmed UNHCR’s mammoth support to the LRRRC.


Mr. Abogi said, the Liberia Refugee, Repatriation and Resettlement Commission (LRRRC) will not lack anything in support to refugees in Liberia and they will help the government to deliver refugees coming to Liberia and returning.


The UNHCR Country Representative has also urged all Liberian refugees and returnees to keep their heads up high while they are working diligently to improve their livelihood.