LDEA Burns Over LD $60 Million Worth Of Illicit Drugs
By Jefferson Tenge
MONROVIA, July 14 (LINA – The Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA) has destroyed a collection of illicit drugs worth over six million Liberian Dollars.
The substances include Kush, Marijuana, Cocaine, Heroin, Tramadol, Methamphetamine, and Precursor.
Speaking at the burning site in Disco-Hill, Margibi County, over the weekend, Grand Bassa County District #5 Representative Thomas Goshua, told the audience that the central government's step to eradicate illicit drugs must be commended and not underestimated.
According to him, the burning of the huge quantity of drugs shows to the international partners and the world that Liberia as a nation is ready to fight the issue of illicit drugs in the society.
He told the gathering that the issue of fighting illicit drugs is not only the government’s business, but communities and private institutions can relatively help in the process by providing education to the young children about the danger of drugs.
The Lawmaker recommended the need to invest in the fight against harmful substances by tackling drugs coming into the country rather than investing in rehabilitation.
According to Representative Goshua, if money is invested in rehabilitation rather than prevention, nothing will change because the more drugs come to the country, the more the young children will continue engaging in the use of drugs.
"The drug problem continues to worsen inexorably from year to year. International drug cartels are becoming more aggressive and more expansionist in attacking new markets with new drugs with ever-changing distribution patterns and with increasing skills in concealment and in handling the money from their sales,” Representative Goshua stated.
He added: “Even more worrying, they are using their increasing resources to interfere in the democratic and economic processes of countries by political influence and by taking over key sectors of business.”