Min. Sando Assures Liberians Of Greater Impact From Boakai's Gov’t

Min. Sando Assures Liberians Of Greater Impact From Boakai's Gov’t

Min. Sando Assures Liberians Of Greater Impact From Boakai's Gov’t  


By P. Vangerline Kpotoe


MONROVIA, June 21 (LINA) – The Deputy Minister for Technical Services at the Ministry of Information Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT), Daniel O. Sando has assured the public that the Government of Liberia under the leadership of President Joseph N. Boakai will do everything legally possible to improve the living standards of Liberians.

“We assure you all that the country is in good hands, and we will not let the country down, " Minister Sando said.

Speaking recently at the Ministry of Information regular press briefing in Monrovia, Min. Sando assured Liberians of positive impacts from decisions currently being made by the Liberian leader.

“The actions that the President is taking now will bear fruits in a few months, but the President has already begun to act on the low-hanging fruits,” the MICAT official noted.

According to Min. Sando, the President is working daily to deliver on the ARREST agenda that will deliver prosperity to the Liberian people, stating that the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, has begun to regularize the payment of salaries for civil servants.

The MICAT official pointed out that the issue of salary for government employees is now current, adding that the government is not in arrears since the inauguration of President Joseph N. Boakai on January 22, 2024.

He emphasized that the country is on an irreversible path under President Boakai’s administration, citing that Liberians will soon see results.

The Minister urged every Liberian who is following the governance process under President Boakai’s leadership to remain steadfast and committed to the developmental agenda of the government.