MPW Debunks Media Report Of Fistfight Between Officials

MPW Debunks Media Report Of Fistfight Between Officials

By Amara Konneh


 The Ministry of Public Works (MPW) has refuted media reports suggesting that a physical altercation occurred between Minister Roland Giddings and his deputy, Prince Tambah, labeling the reports as false and misleading.

According to a press statement issued October 6, 2024, the ministry expressed concern over what it described as an unjust attack on the integrity of both officials. It clarified that no such incident took place, emphasizing that the claims of a fistfight are entirely fabricated.

The statement noted that not only was there no altercation, but there wasn't even an argument between the two officials, highlighting that the media report appears to be a deliberate attempt to spread misinformation, further noting that such unfounded claims undermine the ministry’s work and the leadership's efforts.

"It is disappointing to see sensationalism take precedence over responsible journalism. Minister Giddings and his deputy, Mr. Tambah, have consistently demonstrated professionalism in their roles as public servants," the MPW statement indicated.

The ministry reiterated that both officials remain focused on serving the public and ensuring the effective functioning of the Ministry of Public Works.

The statement argued that false accusations like these serve only to distract from their work and the government’s ongoing efforts to improve Liberia’s infrastructure.

Minister Giddings, the release stated, also called on the media to exercise greater caution and responsibility in their reporting. 

He stressed that spreading false information does not only damage reputations but also erodes public trust in the media and urged media institutions to correct the misleading reports and adhere to ethical standards, prioritizing facts over sensational narratives.