Guangdong University Offers To Train MIA Staff To Boost Decentralization

By T. Ezekiel Geeplay


MONROVIA, July 16 (LINA) – Chinese-based Guangdong University, has offered to provide training for staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the area of decentralization to boost good governance in Liberia.

According to a statement from the MIA dated July 15, 2024, Guangdong University intervention comes following an appeal from Minister Francis S. Nyumalin who represented Liberia at the China-Africa Development Forum, held in Guandzon City from July 7-9, 2024.

The release added that the Guangdong University’s head of African studies Professor Louise Liu expressed willingness to support the capacity-building efforts and has requested the Ministry to apply for the training program to boost decentralization efforts in the country.

“We pleaded with our Chinese partners to see the need to support the MIA through training and capacity building for our staff that will prepare them to lead the Country’s Decentralization efforts nation-wide," Minister Nyumalin said.

Minister Nyumalin emphasized the importance of empowering local government officials to effectively manage and govern their respective counties as the government embarks on sharing administrative, fiscal and political power with local authorities in line with the nation’s Local Government Act.

The MIA statement disclosed that the Internal Affairs Minister’s visit to the University was part of activities marking the 5th Forum on Africa-China Local Government Cooperation.

The statement disclosed that during the MIA Minister’s interaction with top officials and faculty of Guangdong University for Foreign Studies, Hon. Nyumalin stressed that the Internal Affairs Ministry would develop a partnership with the University for possible placement of staff, particularly civil servants who, upon their return, would contribute meaningfully to the Human resources gap.

The MIA Boss revealed that the capacity building and training will focus on short-term programs as well as degree programs related to the Ministry.