Pro-Tempore Pinpoints Limited Resources As Primary Challenge In Public Sectors

Pro-Tempore Pinpoints Limited Resources As Primary Challenge In Public Sectors

Pro-Tempore Pinpoints Limited Resources As Primary Challenge In Public Sectors


By Decontee M. Wesseh


MONROVIA, June 25 (LINA) – The President Pro-Tempore of the Liberian Senate, Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence has identified limited resources as one of the primary issues facing the public sector.

“Our public institutions frequently operate under financial constraints that restrict their capacity to deliver essential services,” Senator Lawrence explained.

Speaking Monday June 24, 2024 at the official celebration of the Public Service Day at the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Ministerial Complex in Monrovia, the Grand Bassa Senator emphasized that the lack of funding affects every institution, including healthcare, education, security, transportation, among others.

“We must prioritize and invest in our public sector to ensure that the wellbeing of citizens is fully cared for,” she added.

Moreover, Senator Lawrence indicated that the lack of adequate training and professional development opportunities for public servants also pose a significant challenge, noting that their work force should have the necessary skills and innovation delivery.

“The knowledge to foster and improve service, continuous professional development should be the cornerstone of the public service strategy. It enables employees to adapt to new technologies and methodologies,” she said.

According to her, the government should strengthen their commitment to transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct in all public service operations.

Senator Lawrence added that Liberia can build a public sector that is both effective and trusted by the people they serve.

She maintained that the government’s efforts have been instrumental in providing the stability and progress of the nation, even in the face of adversity, statistics have shown the workers dedication which is a clear manifestation of the worker’s professionalism and the enduring spirit of service that drive them.